Clock Chimes

Home/Clock Chimes

April 2008

Clocks Make all the Difference in Detailed Decorating

By |2008-04-15T05:35:26+00:00April 15th, 2008|

When it comes to decorating a home, most homeowners look to the larger elements in order to pull their design together; elements such as paint, flooring, and furniture that can clearly define a room – and a home at large. But the truth is that as impactful as these elements are in decorating a home, the [...]

Clocks Shipped Right to Your Door

By |2008-04-10T22:33:36+00:00April 10th, 2008|

The Internet has certainly changed the way in which we do our shopping. Now more than ever, consumers have access to an enormous variety of products and services; all of which are theirs for the taking with just the touch of a few buttons. Even larger items, such as clocks, can be found online through comprehensive [...]

The Modern Versions of Cuckoo Clocks

By |2008-04-09T22:44:01+00:00April 9th, 2008|

When many of us think of cuckoo clocks we think of a roomful of clocks all chiming at once – the hour denoted by the sound of the cuckoo bird – in a home occupied by an eclectic – and slightly mad - clockmaker. The cuckoo clock is so a part of our cultural vernacular that [...]

Clocks in Every Room

By |2008-04-03T08:51:50+00:00April 3rd, 2008|

Clocks are more than just means by which to tell the time; used uniquely, clocks can be a fun and fresh way to add instant décor to any room in the home. While there are a great many people who opted to only tell the time through their computer screens and cable boxes, there are just [...]

March 2008

Clocks: Time for Spring Cleaning

By |2008-03-24T21:00:41+00:00March 24th, 2008|

The spring is just about on the horizon – waiting to replace the winter’s chilling winds and bare trees with warmer breezes and new buds. As humans we have many rituals associated with the coming of the spring season; emerging from our winter cocoon and airing out our homes for the arrival of the warmer months. [...]

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Inventory Your Clocks This Spring

By |2008-03-22T19:48:46+00:00March 22nd, 2008|

Spring is a time of reinvention – a time when anything is possible. With the coming of a new season and the lifting of the cold air that has blanketed most of our homes, we become reawakened with the thought of being able to get outside and enjoy milder weather. Spring seems to mark a time [...]

Clocks for a First Home

By |2008-03-22T02:54:56+00:00March 22nd, 2008|

Buying a first home is an exciting – and well, terrifying – experience. There is nothing better than the feeling of independence that comes with owning your own home and for young people who are just starting out this first experience can mark their first foray into the real world on a number of different levels. [...]

Beautifully Designed Clocks Never Go Out of Style

By |2008-03-01T22:12:12+00:00March 1st, 2008|

With trends changing as often as they do, it is quite challenging for the average homeowner to consistently regulate their home’s décor so that it is reflective of the latest style. Such is the reason that we will often hear homeowners refer to their home’s design as “classic.” By choosing classic design elements – in the [...]

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December 2007

A Clock With 12 Frog Chimes – How Would You Like to Tell Time

By |2007-12-16T02:14:51+00:00December 16th, 2007|

Just this morning we got a call from a lady who wanted to know if she could buy a clock she had seen somewhere once before which had twelve different types of frogs pictured on each hour, and with a different frog sound chimed on each hour.  Talk about a niche clock! But it got us [...]

Clocks are So Good for Telling Time! Watches too! Gift Givers Take Note

By |2007-12-10T03:52:09+00:00December 10th, 2007|

A question we receive on a somewhat regular basis, especially from the younger generation, is whether watches and clocks risk becoming obsolete as cell phones, iPods, and other handheld devices emerge as omnipresent devices. Our short answer is an emphatic NO. Aside from the obvious decorative aspects of clocks and the personal style and accessory nature [...]