Clock Chimes

Home/Clock Chimes

December 2010

Ridgeway Grandfather Clocks

By |2017-03-22T22:44:42+00:00December 16th, 2010|

We at www.1-800-4CLOCKS, grandfather clock specialists, firmly believe that any serious grandfather clocks shopper should take a serious look at the designs and values presented in the Ridgeway grandfather clocks collection.  There are both grandmother clocks and grandfather clocks to peruse. The designs are extraordinary, have German made grandfather clock movements made by Kieninger, are our [...]

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Grandfather Clocks Exhibit

By |2017-03-22T22:44:43+00:00December 10th, 2010|

The history of grandfather clocks is as fascinating as it is diverse.  The grandfather clock, first introduced in circa 1630-1650 depending upon how exactly one defines the birth of the grandfather clock, evolved differently in different countries, and have the craftsmanship, expertise, creativity, and environmental factors and ingenuity all play into how these freestanding floor clocks [...]

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October 2010

7 Grandfather Clocks Buying Secrets

By |2017-03-22T22:44:45+00:00October 23rd, 2010|

When purchasing a new grandfather clock of any maker, whether it be one of the Howard Miller grandfather clocks, Hermle grandfather clocks, or part of the Ridgeway Floor Clocks collection, there are certain key questions that need to be understood before going ahead with the purchase. 1. Do I know what kind of movement the grandfather [...]

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Grandfather Clock Chimes

By |2017-03-22T22:44:45+00:00October 10th, 2010|

The most popular grandfather clock chime by far is the Westminster Chime.  Our studies have shown that even when customers purchase triple chime grandfather clocks, generally including also the Whittington and St Michaels Chime, the vast majority keep their clock set to the Westminster Chime selection all the time.  This is true whether the grandfather clocks [...]

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June 2010

Grandfather Clocks Parts

By |2017-03-22T22:44:50+00:00June 23rd, 2010|

No thank you, we do not carry parts for grandfather clocks. Or wall clocks parts, or parts for mantle clocks, or even mantel clocks, nor atomic clocks nor parts for cuckoo clocks. And we do not sell movements for grandfather clocks, wall clocks, mantle clocks, atomic clocks, or pretty much any clock or watch or pocket [...]

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April 2010

Grandfather Floor Clock

By |2017-03-22T22:44:52+00:00April 28th, 2010|

We have of course heard of many people talk of and ask for Floor Clocks and Grandfather Clocks, but we are noticing a new trend with individuals using the term Grandfather Floor Clocks.  Have you heard that term before?  Perhaps it has appeared in some advertising or Home Improvement or architectural digest or house beautiful or [...]

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March 2010

Remember to move your clocks time ahead one hour? DST

By |2017-03-22T22:44:54+00:00March 15th, 2010|

Well, it's the Sunday in Spring after the 2am morning change where we switch from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time.  Most people remember the "Spring Forward Fall Back" mnemonic to help remember what to do when.  The writer of this Blog Post tried to go to bed an hour earlier last night to help ease [...]

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Best Grandfather Clocks Wall Clocks Mantel Clocks

By |2017-03-22T22:44:56+00:00March 1st, 2010|

Over time,  we have weighed in on the strengths, weaknesses, and commonalities of the various makers of grandfather clocks, mantle clocks and wall clocks. Now we are asking for your opinions as to the best makers of wall clocks, mantel clocks and grandfather clocks. Here are the categories: GrandfatherClocks:  and Grandmother Clocks too! Howard Miller Grandfather [...]

January 2010

Top 10 Features for Grandfather Clocks Wall Clocks and more

By |2017-03-22T22:44:57+00:00January 21st, 2010|

As we ring in 2010, we thought we might look forward in time by looking backwards.  Sound strange?  Well, here is the thinking.  If we know what are the top 10 Features that people most want in their grandfather clocks, mantel clocks, atomic clocks, wall clocks, etc., it will help us all to offer clocks to [...]

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November 2009

E.J. Dent Clocks and Pocket Watches Think Big Ben

By |2017-03-22T22:44:58+00:00November 28th, 2009|

Dent and Company is perhaps best known for designing the Tower Clock in England's Houses of Parliament, that has become known over the years as Big Ben (which is actually the name of the Bell in the Clock Tower). Dent also made bracket clocks and wall clocks, though we see very few of them for sale.  [...]