Do Watch Collectors Really Have All the Power?
Two fans discuss the relationship between the industry and its most loyal customers.
Two fans discuss the relationship between the industry and its most loyal customers.
Many are immigrants, like most of Qatar’s population.
Nadine Ghosn, in collaboration with Wristcheck, is selling a three-piece set that includes a ruler to mark the hours.
Jean Arnault, the brand’s director of watches, is confident that his gamble on high-end, high-priced designs will soon pay off.
Even though the red carpet seems fixated on tiny timepieces, retailers say larger sizes still dominate sales.
Nicolas Beau has streamlined the horology offerings into three categories: jewelry watches, a classic collection and a group of quirky table clocks.
Buyers of a new model may purchase a chronograph and customize it to resemble the automobile.
The chief executive of Soner Watches, who prefers square and rectangular timepieces, has written a book, “Beyond Round Watches.”
The actor, who spent his childhood in “The Wonder Years,” has established a watch assessment service.
Nicholas Pelzer got the nickname, a retailer said, because he always wants the best version of any timepiece.